Securing Peace of Mind

Intruder Alarms

A home alarm system can be a highly effective deterrent; 60% of burglars say they would be discouraged from targeting a house if they knew it had a home alarm. An intruder alarm is the first essential step to protecting your property.

Benefits of an
Intruder Alarm System

The intruder alarms external siren is the first deterrent a would be burglar would see, this straight away reduces the risk of a break-in compared to a house with no outside siren.

Burglars want an easy life, the quicker your alarm activates the quicker they will leave sometimes straight away once the sirens start.

Your intruder alarm can also call key-holders family/friends and the Police. This can help you be prepared for the worst but also a chance of catching them in the act.

Whilst asleep you are at your most vulnerable and night time break-ins are the most traumatic.

Your alarm system can protect you at night, and you can sleep sound knowing your family is protected

Why Onyx Security?

Our services include the installation of top-tier, professionally branded systems adhering to the latest British and European standards, ensuring our clients receive only quality products. We also provide comprehensive solutions for the installation, repair, and maintenance of various intruder alarm systems, catering to both commercial and domestic settings.

Award winning support

We’re here to help

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"We had an attempted break in on Sunday night..."— Mr and Mrs.Smith, Rushden
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